Runner Inspires

9:44 AM 0 Comments

Bob Adams shear drive inspires others to excel in their respective sport or goal in life for that matter. Over the past years Bob has added significant milestones to his running resume to likes of inspiring runners like myself, winning marathons, running ultra's and even setting a new 72 mile Appalachian record. He's an active member of the Knoxville Track Club, while he currently runs on the EBS Open Team he trains heavily at the weekly KTC training workouts.

He's even inspired nicknames like "Bradu", that's our friend Radu's ultra runner name that knows no limits and does whatever it takes to meet his goal.

Bob's new challenge is being part of the KTC 12 man team competing in the Hood 2 Coast 197 mile relay tomorrow starting at Mt. Hood and finishing at Seaside, Oregon. The team have trained for months prior to the race, so their going out there to represent Knoxville well and do their best in bringing home the title. You can follow the race on the KTC twitter or on Facebook page.

To read more about Bob's running highlights and up to date postings from him visit for the latest scoop.

Good luck at H2C!

Knoxville Team to Run Hood 2 Coast

2:25 PM 0 Comments

The Knoxville Track Club has compiled a strong 12 man team to compete in the 197 mile Hood to Coast 2009 relay on the West Coast this coming Friday, August 28th! The team consists of Elijah Shekinah, Bill Kabasenche, Andrew Press, Bobby Adams, Stuart Moran, Daniel Hughes, Michael Mentz, Bobby Holcombe, Stewart Ellington, Chad Newton, Andy Baksa, and Joseph Goetz. They've worked hard to prepare themselves physically and mentally for the challenges Mt. Hood might bring. KTC is seeded #2 out of all the teams and their confident that they'll finish ahead of the pack.

You can follow up to the minute KTC team twitter updates at or support them on Facebook at the "Knoxville Track Club Hood to Coast Team 2009" group page.

Good luck guys and have a safe trip!

There's Nothing Like A Win

2:14 PM 2 Comments

The title says it all...Brad Adams won the 12th Annual VMC 5K Race on Volunteer Landing this past August 8th. He set a quick PR of 17:08, averaging a 5:30 mile. Brad said that his long term goal is to break the 17 minute barrier. This PR comes in the middle of a 70 mile week for Brad and knows that he could of gone faster. Congratulations Brad on winning the VMC 5k!

The VMC 5k race results can be found at

PR's At Carter Mill 10k

9:36 AM 2 Comments

The Carter Mill 10k is a typical East Tennessee rolling course that has it's downhill rewards, but with the price of short challenging hills. In July Travis Honeycutt, Ramesh Balasubramania, Brad Adams and myself (Jose Salas) set out to take on the Mill and enjoy the refreshing swimming pool after the race. Brad and I ran respectable races that day to tune up the gears. Brad ran a fast time finishing in the top 10 and I finished in the top 30.

For Travis and Ramesh Balasubramania Carter Mill was the site of their new multi-minute 10k PRs, remember that this isn't a PR course and compared to the last 10k we ran at Expo this course was much more challenging. Travis improved his 10k PR to 56:22 and Ramesh did the same with a 58:13. Both ran smart races with strong finishes and are getting stronger every day. Way to go!

Can't wait to jump into the pool next year!.