There's Nothing Like A Win

2:14 PM

The title says it all...Brad Adams won the 12th Annual VMC 5K Race on Volunteer Landing this past August 8th. He set a quick PR of 17:08, averaging a 5:30 mile. Brad said that his long term goal is to break the 17 minute barrier. This PR comes in the middle of a 70 mile week for Brad and knows that he could of gone faster. Congratulations Brad on winning the VMC 5k!

The VMC 5k race results can be found at


pincrows said...

I wish I ran like you guys... its cool you all go in a group and win things!

Welcome said...

We've had a blast running events together while we all worked together at JTV. Now most of the team works at various places, but that won't break the running bound.

Do you run?
