PR's At Carter Mill 10k

9:36 AM

The Carter Mill 10k is a typical East Tennessee rolling course that has it's downhill rewards, but with the price of short challenging hills. In July Travis Honeycutt, Ramesh Balasubramania, Brad Adams and myself (Jose Salas) set out to take on the Mill and enjoy the refreshing swimming pool after the race. Brad and I ran respectable races that day to tune up the gears. Brad ran a fast time finishing in the top 10 and I finished in the top 30.

For Travis and Ramesh Balasubramania Carter Mill was the site of their new multi-minute 10k PRs, remember that this isn't a PR course and compared to the last 10k we ran at Expo this course was much more challenging. Travis improved his 10k PR to 56:22 and Ramesh did the same with a 58:13. Both ran smart races with strong finishes and are getting stronger every day. Way to go!

Can't wait to jump into the pool next year!.


Bob Adams said...

Way to go JTV! What's everone's race schedule like in the fall?

Welcome said...

I'm trying to get ready for Rocket City. Last I heard Wayne wanted to run it too.